Tuesday, 12 November 2019 00:00

Vicente Guilabert, Vice General Manager R + D and QA from Huayi Compressors, gave an interesting presentation at the Tecnofrío’19 Congress that took place in Madrid on October 16 and 17, 2019 that aroused great interest from the light commercial refrigeration sector.

The presentation centered in the impact of the announcement made by the International Electrotechnical Commission last May, which finally approved the new edition of the IEC60335-2-89 standard that, among other things, defines the increase in charge limit for A3 (flammable) refrigerants at 500 gr. from 150 gr., as well as an increase in the charge limit for A2 and A2L (low flammable refrigerants) to 1,200 gr. from 150 gr.

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