Huayi participates in ATMO Europe 2019

Written by  Marketing Tuesday, 03 September 2019 00:00

Huayi Compressor Barcelona will present the case study “Frigikern Sustainable Solution for Perishable Products Delivery under Controlled Temperature System” during ATMOeurope being held in Warsaw during October 16-17.

Purchasing habits have changed, on-line shopping of perishable goods is increasing and people want to choose when and where to collect their purchases. Here, the logistic costs and product preservation acquire relevance.

FrigiKern in collaboration with Huayi Compressors had developed a sustainable solution for perishable products delivery with its innovative multi-temperature locker by integrating high efficiency R290 Cubigel Compressors®. Lockers are placed in points of convenience such as gas stations, car parking, bus and train stations.

This solution got the award of Call for Solutions in the Smart City Expo World Congress in Fira de Barcelona.


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