Organizational News

Written by  Thursday, 12 May 2016 00:00

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Jordi Bargalló has joined our company as Application Engineer. Jordi is 28 years old and he is a Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineer. He managed to finalize the studies between two schools, Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià in Barcelona and Glyndwr University in the UK.

After finishing his studies, Jordi worked for an English company dedicated to the manufacture of trailers where he gathered some experience in the production area, and after few months, he decided to return to Barcelona, where he was called from Huayi Compressor Barcelona to join us in the Application Engineering department.

Jordi is committed to bring to his new position his experience in technical assistance and projects with great enthusiasm, and to provide the best solutions and service to customers.


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