Huayi Compressor Barcelona

Huayi Compressor Barcelona

It is a pleasure to communicate that Huayi Compressor Co. Ltd has being going public for 20 years in the Chinese Stock Market.

Since the foundation of the company in 1990, we started with the production of small-middle compressors, becoming today the largest company in the sector with sales of 39 million of units last year.

One of the main strategies of this success is the diversification from Household compressors to Light Commercial Refrigeration. At this new point, while we keep enhancing and consolidating our position in the household and light commercial refrigeration business, we are also looking for new opportunities for further diversification and growth.

Once more, Huayi Compressor Barcelona will participate in the ATMOsphere events organized by Shecco. ATMOsphere America 2016 will be held in Chicago during 16th and 17th of June. This event represents an excellent meeting point for decision makers and refrigeration market leaders of North America.

During this event, our R&D Director – Mr. Vicente Guilabert, will present the optimum low energy consumption results from the case study “The lowest energy consumption when using R290 LBP fixed speed compressors in a plug-in ice cream conservator”.

During this last ATMOsphere Europe edition held in Barcelona on the 19 and 20 April, 2016, we had the opportunity to participate with the presentation of our R&D Director Vicente Guilabert about low energy consumption in an R290 bottle cooler with variable speed compressor. In this actual case study, the improvement in efficiency has been demonstrated of a bottle cooler when using our propane compressor NLT60FSN, obtaining 39% reduction of energy consumption compared to another standard compressor model NL60TB, also in propane.

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Thursday, 12 May 2016 00:00

New Testing Chambers

With the aim of improving the technical support to our customers, Huayi Compressor Barcelona has invested into two new additional climatic chambers for Household and Light Commercial Refrigeration applications.

These new chambers are provided with the most advanced instrumentation technology of the moment to guarantee the best reliability test results. The new chambers allow testing any kind of application: LBP, HBP, VHBP, among others; and they are able to perform different kinds of tests depending on the cabinet type, based on international standards, and also particular testing conditions based on customer’s requests on testing conditions.

In every new chamber it is possible to test 3 appliances at the same time which means a total of 6 additional fully automated testing stations to speed up the response to our customers but always maintaining maximum accuracy.

With the new installation Huayi Compressor Barcelona confirms and consolidates the growth of the European Application Engineering technological center based in Europe.

Thursday, 12 May 2016 00:00

Organizational News

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Jordi Bargalló has joined our company as Application Engineer. Jordi is 28 years old and he is a Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineer. He managed to finalize the studies between two schools, Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià in Barcelona and Glyndwr University in the UK.

After finishing his studies, Jordi worked for an English company dedicated to the manufacture of trailers where he gathered some experience in the production area, and after few months, he decided to return to Barcelona, where he was called from Huayi Compressor Barcelona to join us in the Application Engineering department.

Jordi is committed to bring to his new position his experience in technical assistance and projects with great enthusiasm, and to provide the best solutions and service to customers.

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