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Huayi Group participated at China Refrigeration exhibition held this year in the Shanghai New Int’l Expo Centre from April 9th to 11th.
During this leading event of the Asian HVACR world, Huayi had the opportunity to present its latest innovations in compressors for the commercial and domestic refrigeration markets focusing on energy efficiency and R290.
The presence of Huayi Group highlighted its position as global leader in compressors manufacturing meeting customer expectations worldwide.
ATMOsphere China 2018 has successfully ended with more than 223 attendees. All messages are focused on showing huge opportunities for the development of technologies based on Natural Refrigerants.
According to Alvaro de Oña from Shecco, hydrocarbons are growing for plug-in units, nowadays there are around 2 million units of HC plug-in systems in the world with approximate 4.000 units in Chinese supermarkets.
Pedro Olalla, our Sales Director, ratified that today 90% of our new developments are based on HC during Round Table session. Furthermore, during case studies sessions, Vicente Guilabert, our R&D Director, highlighted the benefits of new NUS range of propane compressors demonstrating faster pull-down times and efficiency improvements over previous models.