Huayi Compressor Barcelona

Huayi Compressor Barcelona


Huayi Compressor announces the availability of the complete range of multi-refrigerant units for R452A, R448A, R449A, R454C and R455A for LBP and HMBP aimed to light commercial refrigeration applications.


In accordance to F-gas regulation that will be effective from 1st January 2020, HFCs refrigerants like R404A with a GWP of 2500 or more will be banned in hermetically sealed refrigerators and freezers for commercial use.


Cubigel Compressors® units are prepared for the use of refrigerants R452A, R448A, R449A, R454C and R455A as replacement, moreover, we are anticipating the next step of the F-Gas for the replacement of R134a to be phased out on 2022, the use of refrigerant R513A y R450A in our units.


Huayi Compressor Barcelona has released its position in regards to the alternatives to R404A and R134a. At this moment there are no long-term alternatives to R404A in the market that can meet the F-Gas Regulation after 2022; these new refrigerant blends are only a transitional solution.


The company is committed to natural refrigerants (R290 and R600a) as a long-term solution for light commercial refrigeration. HCs are an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-ozone-depleting replacement.



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Huayi Group participated at China Refrigeration exhibition held this year in the Shanghai New Int’l Expo Centre from April 9th to 11th.

During this leading event of the Asian HVACR world, Huayi had the opportunity to present its latest innovations in compressors for the commercial and domestic refrigeration markets focusing on energy efficiency and R290.

The presence of Huayi Group highlighted its position as global leader in compressors manufacturing meeting customer expectations worldwide.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018 00:00

ATMOsphere Europe 2018

In an impressive location in the north of Garda Lake in Italy, Vicente Guilabert had an excellent opportunity during the 9th Annual ATMOsphere Europe Conference, to present and share a case study of the new S compressor range ready for R290, which also offers a much higher efficiency and lower noise level. The presentation has generated a big expectation on this new product range developed in Huayi Compressor Barcelona, this new range is anticipating the already coming new standard which had to allow a significant increase of refrigerant charge for flammable refrigerants.
Thursday, 14 June 2018 00:00

Huayi at ATMO America 2018

Vicente Guilabert, R&D Director of Huayi Compressor Barcelona, presented at ATMOsphere America 2018 the case study about the replacement of R134a compressor in a small deep freezer with LMBP R290 alternative, obtaining 30% energy savings while reducing the refrigerant charge. Huayi ratifies R290 as the best environment friendly alternative due to the excellent GWP.
Monday, 16 April 2018 00:00

Huayi at ATMO China 2018

ATMOsphere China 2018 has successfully ended with more than 223 attendees. All messages are focused on showing huge opportunities for the development of technologies based on Natural Refrigerants. 

According to Alvaro de Oña from Shecco, hydrocarbons are growing for plug-in units, nowadays there are around 2 million units of HC plug-in systems in the world with approximate 4.000 units in Chinese supermarkets.

Pedro Olalla, our Sales Director, ratified that today 90% of our new developments are based on HC during Round Table session. Furthermore, during case studies sessions, Vicente Guilabert, our R&D Director, highlighted the benefits of new NUS range of propane compressors demonstrating faster pull-down times and efficiency improvements over previous models.

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