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Dear Customer,

The refrigeration business is living a period of continuous changes, especially due to new regulations focused on reducing and banning the use of refrigerants with high GWP. In Europe we have the F-Gas regulation and Snap in the USA, in both cases they are targeting the phasing out of HFC.

We still believe that the best option is hydrocarbons, but due to the charge limitation and flammability some markets are looking for alternatives like R449 and R452, among others. At Huayi Compressors Barcelona we are working to approve our compressors with the new blends in order to meet the new market demands.

Another aspect is energy consumption, in Europe we have the Eco-Design directive that will introduce energy labelling for light commercial applications and DOE in the USA. In this case we are also developing more efficient products, mainly working with hydrocarbons, like the U Range and L / P extended models. We are convinced this will be the trend in the upcoming years, lower energy consumption and a wider use of natural refrigerants; based on this, we are committed to developing the most suitable products meeting these two requirements.


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