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Huayi Compressor Barcelona successfully participated - together with the other companies of the group Huayi Jingdehen, Huayi Jingzhou and Jiaxipera - in the China Refrigeration 2015 exhibition that was held in Shanghai on April 8 to 10 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). This exhibition has become one of the leading exhibitions for HVAC&R industry with more than 40,000 visitors and trade buyers from over 100 countries.
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With the high demand for energy savings solutions, Huayi Compressor Barcelona launches the new compressor models NPT18LA and GPT18RA.

The new P extended range represents a more compact, efficient and competitive alternative for the lower displacement models of X ranges with more COP and it provides an equivalent cooling capacity, under nominal conditions. These two new models are equipped with an electrical motor CSR+NTC, without the need for using a voltage relay together with its bulky external electrical box, reducing the dimensions.

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Huayi Compressor Barcelona has introduced new high-efficiency models for the U range: HUY55MA, HUY70MA, for R600a and HMBP applications and GUY60NR, GUY70NR and GUY80NR for R134a LMBP applications. 

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Dear Customer,

Last month we attended the Chillventa exhibition where we presented a series of new products that are the answer of Cubigel Compressors® to market requirements.

The main novelty was the launching of our new U range. We have developed this product to be a market reference in terms of performance, energy consumption, quietness and compactness. The range has started initially with 3 models in propane for Low Back Pressure applications, and in the short term it will be expanded to other refrigerants and applications.

At the same time we presented the extension of our L and P ranges to 12 and 18cc respectively, the extension of our variable speed compressor range with a new model NLT60FSN with a COP over 3.00 W/W, the use of propane in our compact D range and a range of covered condensing units, SILENTO, that complements our existing range. All these products have been designed to meet current and future requirements of the commercial refrigeration market, which are reduction of energy consumption, use of natural refrigerants like propane and isobutene and competitiveness.

Moreover, these developments are also the result of being part of the Huayi Group - the largest compressor manufacturer in the world - which allowed us to reduce considerably the time to market and offer the most advanced products.


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